Deer Hunter Safety Begins Long Before Opening Morning of Deer Hunting Season
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Marty Prokop- 2008
Summertime brings with it hot weather and humid nights. Sure it may be hard to think of deer hunting when the thermometer reads 95 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade. But, summertime is one of the best times to make sure your upcoming deer hunting season is safe.
It is a proven fact that human scent effects deer behavior. If your scent is in the woods, deer will travel out of their ways to avoid the area.
If a deer hunter waits until the night before deer season opens to check his or her deer stand, his or her scent will fill the woods. The result? You might not see a deer on opening morning.
Check Your Deer Hunting Tree Stand Often
Make it a regular practice to check the condition of your deer hunting tree stands several times each year. This helps assure your tree stand safety.
Check your deer hunting tree stands each spring after the snow melts.
Make sure no welds broke during the cold winter months. If a weld has broken, take your deer stand to a certified welder for repair.
After each big thunderstorm, head into your deer hunting woods. Check to see if any nearby trees have fallen onto your deer stand. In the event a branch has fallen onto your deer hunting tree stand, clear the debris. Then look your deer hunting stand over for any structural or major damage.
Tree Stand Safety: Fix Your Deer Stand Before Deer Hunting Season
If you find broken welds or missing steps, take your deer hunting tree stand down and get it repaired.
About a month before your deer season opens check your deer hunting tree stand one more time.
Visually inspect the structure of your deer hunting stand. If everything looks in order, climb into your deer stand and put on your safety harness.
Check to see your deer hunting tree stand is secured to the tree properly and that the straps or chain holding it in place is not worn.
Deer Stand Shooting Lanes
This is a great time to make sure your shooting lanes are clear. Trim any branches that may affect your shot at a deer.
When you check your deer hunting stand in the spring summer and early fall, before deer season opens, your scent will be gone before opening day of deer season. You will also be assured your deer hunting tree stand is safe long before deer hunting season opens.
Deer Hunting Tree Stand Safety
Make sure your upcoming deer hunting season is safe by checking your deer hunting tree stands several times throughout the year. This will ensure your deer stand is safe and keep your scent from lingering in your deer hunting woods come opening day.